Undergraduate Tuition And Fees at Maryville University

Undergraduate Tuition and Fee Information for 2025-2026

Maryville University accepts cash, personal checks, money orders, cashier’s checks, MasterCard, VISA, Discover, American Express and pinless debit for undergraduate tuition and fee payments. Maryville University also accepts most Employer Tuition Assistance programs and works with students to award federal, state, private and institutional financial aid.

For more information on financial aid, contact Student Financial Services at 314-529-9360.

For more information on payment options and deadlines, contact Student Financial Services at 314-529-9360.

The undergraduate tuition and fees reflect the 2025-2026 rates as established by the Maryville University Board of Trustees, effective Summer 2025:

Academic Year Budget

Academic Year Budget
Full-Time Tuition $24,766
Fees $2,400
Room Only $8,200/academic year contract (Mouton Hall
double room, per person)*
Meal Plan $3,400 (minimum Plan C –
Mouton Hall, per person)
Total $38,766

*Other room and board options will vary.

Tuition: Fall & Spring Semesters

Tuition: Fall & Spring Semesters
Full-Time** Rate (12-18 credits) $12,383/semester
Part-Time Rate (1-11 credits) $781/credit hour
Overload Charge (More than 18 credits) $781/credit hour


Tuition: Summer Semester

Tuition: Summer Semester
Full-Time** Rate (13-18 credits) $12,383/semester
Part-Time Rate (1-12 credits) $622/credit hour
Overload Charge (More than 18 credits) $622/credit hour

**Overall cost per credit hour for a 120 – 128 credit hour undergraduate degree at flat-rate pricing over four years is $773.94 – 825.53 per credit hour **Program length requirements vary by Catalog Year. Review Academic Catalog for program requirements


To streamline student charges, create cost savings, and ensure students there are no hidden fees, Maryville University offers a ONE FEE, a comprehensive program that covers costs for the following student services and resources: digital course materials and textbooks; lab materials; orientation; transcripts; technology, including more than 60 apps in the Maryville Cloud; health and wellness; fitness facilities; student activity; and graduation. ONE FEE is included in the student account and may be paid as part of the semester bill with payment, deferred payment plan or from any eligible financial aid.

One Fee
Part-Time Rate (3-11 credits) $450/semester
Full-Time Rate (12+ credits) $1,200/semester


View 2024 – 2025 Undergraduate Tuition and Fees.

Cost of Attendance.


Student Housing (Room Only: See Meal Plan Prices Below)

Cookie and T.R. Potter Hall

Cookie and T.R. Potter Hall
Double Occupancy $9,400/academic year contract
Triple Occupancy* $8,850/academic year contract

*as needed

Mouton Hall

Mouton Hall
Double Occupancy $8,200/academic year contract


Saints Hall

Saints Hall
Quadruple Occupancy (4 person suite) $11,100/academic year contract


Hilltop Apartments

Hilltop Apartments
Unit (Per Person)
$11,600/academic year contract
Unit (Per Person)
$12,100/academic year contract



Single Occupancy $8,950/academic year contract
Double Occupancy $8,400/academic year contract


Summer Session

Summer Session
4-Bedroom Unit
(Per Person)
$3,652/all-summer rate
4-Bedroom Unit
(Per Person)
$304/week on a weekly basis
2-Bedroom Unit
(Per Person)
$4,132/all-summer rate
2-Bedroom Unit
(Per Person)
$343/week on a weekly basis


Meal Plans

All residential students are required to have a meal plan. Below are meal plan options and information on minimum meal plan requirements.

  • All residential students must have a meal plan.
  • Resident Hall students may choose from Plan C, Plan B, or Plan A. Plan C is the minimum required meal plan for Resident Hall students.
  • Apartment students may choose from any of the meal plans. Plan E is the minimum required meal plan for Apartment students.
  • Unused meal plan funds from the Fall semester will be available for use until the end of the Spring semester. Meal plan funds must be used by the end of the Spring semester as these funds will not roll forward to a future semester.

Meal Plan

Meal Plan Year Cost Semester Cost
Plan A $4,100 $2,050
Plan B $3,800 $1,900
Plan C $3,400 $1,700
Plan D $2,050 $1,025
Plan E $1,900 $950



Maryville University Residential Life understands that circumstances may arise requiring you to cancel your housing contract. Please review the following information carefully to understand our cancellation dates and charges.

Cancellation Charges Prior to the Beginning of the Semester

This section applies to contracts canceled prior to the beginning of the semester.

Cancellation Rates for Fall and Spring Contracts

Date of Cancellation Cancellation Charges
Prior to May 1 No Fee to the Student
Received after May 1 or on or before June 1 $600 Cancellation Fee
Received after June 1 and on or before the First Day of Classes $600 Cancellation Fee plus 20% of the contracted semester housing charges

Cancellation Rates for New Spring Contracts

Date of Cancellation Cancellation Charges
Prior to December 1 No Fee to the Student
Received after Dec. 1 or on or before Dec. 15 $600 Cancellation Fee
Received after Dec. 15 and on or before the First Day of Classes $600 Cancellation Fee plus 20% of the contracted semester housing charges

Cancellation Charges During the Semester

Students seeking to cancel their housing contract after the first day of classes are subject to a cancellation fee equal to $600 plus full semester charges.

Dining Services Cancellation Dates and Charges

Meal plan selections can be changed up to two weeks after the semester starts, with no changes allowed afterward. Unused fall meal plan dollars can be carried over to spring but not to the next academic year or summer session. No cash refunds are given for unused meal plans, and board privileges are non-transferable. Students approved to cancel their housing and meal plan are subject to the full contracted amount as outlined below.

Date of Cancellation for Fall and Spring Contract Cancellation Charges
Prior to the Start of School Full Meal Plan Removed from Student Account
After the First Day of Classes If meal plan is not paid in full, meal plan proration is calculated.

If meal plan is paid in full, students will have the remaining semester to utilize their meal plan. No refunds will be given.

Additional charges may apply.